A downloadable game

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Save the Sangai is a game about, well, saving the sangai! Sangai are cool-looking deer-esque animals (seen in the image to the right), and they were nearly extinct! There's more about them and the amazing story of their return, their habitat, etc in the rules, but you'll be playing as a conservationist in Manipur, India. Your goal: to take the limited number of sangai and the small patches of phumdi they live on and help them both thrive! You'll do so by rolling three dice and writing on the one-page sheet provided.

You'll need:

  • 3d6 (3 standard, six-sided dice). Their color doesn't matter.
  • One sheet per player.
  • Something to write with.

The Inspiration

We originally made this game back in 2021 for the India Board Games 2nd Roll & Write Contest. If you click on the page, you'll find my pre-Beth name (I'm not ashamed of it and it's no secret, I'm just letting you know why you don't see "Beth Jackson" beside it 🤣) and Angel 100% co-designed it with me even though her name isn't there.

The challenge was to "include at least one unique aspect from any one of the 28 states of India" and that it "should focus on one state only". The entire thing had to fit on 4 pages (including rules), it had to include a solo mode, and designers could use up to 5 dice.

When we joined the contest, we knew NOTHING AT ALL about India aside from some minor things heard on TV or movies. Heck, I didn't even know India had states! So we checked out some lists of the most notable things about the states and chose Manipur and the sangai. It was such a cool story, and it's so amazing that they live on a floating landmass (as seen below)! 

Feedback Wanted! 🧡 

This was our very first roll and write, and one of our first games in general! While the game is 100% playable currently, I'm excited to revisit it in the future sometime. So, if you have any feedback —suggestions, opinions, etc— I'd love to hear them! You can comment below or email me at bethandangelmakegames@gmail.com 😃 

More Games

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Find Out More

Learn more about Save the Sangai on our Patreon. Or come chat about it on our Discord server!

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Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Save the Sangai - Game Sheet.pdf 1.3 MB
Save the Sangai - Rules.pdf 4.8 MB


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what a cool setting! gonna do some googling about phumdi after writing this comment.

I showed this to a friend, we both had a good time with it, but since you're asking for feedback, get ready for a big pile of text over Discord XD

(1 edit)

Ooooohhhh feedback, thank you!!! I'll check that out when I get a chance, I really appreciate it. And it's so awesome that you and your friend had a good time with it! We haven't messed with it in a long while and it's so helpful to have feedback to use when we go back to it :D

- ✨Beth