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How do we claim a community copy? Isn't it free? But it's asking us to pay for a community copy, which is confusing

Hi! Sorry about that. So when you click that button, a pop-up appears. If you click the "no thanks, just take me to the downloads" you should claim the game :D

This is the same for any pay-what-you-want game as well. If a game shows "pay what you want," a similar popup will appear. You can always just hit that "no thanks" button :D 


Awesome game! I failed at saving the world with an overall score of 83 😱
But, I'll keep trying so that I can become a successful deity! 😊

Oh my goodness, that's so close! And hopefully by the time you try again I'll have expanded on it :D

- ✨Beth

I wonder that since this game is about opening a box, if the opening could form part of the gameplay somehow? is an origami project that 'flips' the paper to different views.


OH WOW! That's freaking brilliant, I'd never heard of that before! I'll definitely look into it, I think that flipping the little wooden blocks in the classic Shut the Box is part of the fun and so figuring out a way to capture that in a piece of paper would be amazing too, even if it's just a separate printable. Then people don't need a bunch of change or whatever (cuz tbh no one uses cash these days lol).

Thanks for the recommendation!

- ✨Beth